Feel Great
A simple (fully supported) DIY protocol
2 products, 1 simple practice

Give it 90 days. If you're not satisfied get 100% of your money back. 

Obesity is on the rise with nearly half of the population falling into the overweight or obese category.

More than half of the population have prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance.   

PCOS and Erectile Dysfunction is on the rise which contributes to other health conditions including infertility

The average person today (all ages) takes 4 prescription medications and this increases with age (with the average 65-74 year old taking 31 prescriptions. 

Alzheimer's, Cancer, Hypertension, Kidney Disease, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, and so many other conditions are also increasing rapidly, all due to poor metabolic health.

"There is no magic pill for these conditions. It truly comes down to  nutrition & lifestyle." 

Time-based eating, often referred to intermittent fasting, has been associated with numerous health benefits:
  • Healthy blood pressure
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved body composition
Sounds great, right?  Implementing fasting can be challenging for many people.  Few people are able to stick with this practice long enough to achieve real results.  

This is where the two products come in...

Unimate and Balance work together to help you extend the time between dinner and the first meal of the following day.  

Unimate: Improves mood, boosts energy, heightens mental clarity, and suppresses appetite.  And it's sugar free and delicious.  

Balance: Slows digestion so you stay full longer, promotes proper digestion and cholesterol absorption, reduces carbohydrate absorption, and provides 9 essential vitamins and minerals.  

"At the end of 2022 I started this protocol, because I had many health problems including chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, muscle pain, migraines, and obesity.  I weighed 220lbs.  Thanks to this protocol, I was able to get off of the medications and lost 47lbs in less than 5 months." 

"I was a type 2 diabetic with peripheral neuropathy and asthma.  My hair was falling out and my eye sight was failing too.  Within 24 hours of starting, my feet went from black/blue to pink again.  Today, I am in remission from type 2 diabetes, asthma and neuropathy. I have lost 4 stone after years of not being able to lose weight.  My hair has grown back and all of my stats are spot on."

"Within the first month, I started to feel my brain fog lift.  My anxiety and depression have improved so much.  I've been able to eliminate one anxiety medication and I'm tapering off the other currently.  My energy is up. I have better sleep. Night sweats and hot flashes are rare.  My skin has improved. I've lost 20 lbs; from a size 10 to a 4.

If you have...
 Stubborn weight
Prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes
✔ Fatty liver
✔ Hypertension
✔ Brain fog
✔ Digestive issues

Or any chronic condition...

It's time for you to...
 Boost your energy naturally
Help your body heal from the inside
 Learn how to control your appetite
 Correct poor metabolic health 
 Regulate your blood sugar, blood pressure and hormones
 Improve your mood and mental function

Without unnecessary medications.


"I have rheumatoid arthritis in both my knees.  I have struggled with severe pain and inflammation, making it difficult to go up and down stairs, etc.  Swelling would get really bad sometimes.  I started the protocol in July 2023 and I was training for a half marathon by October 2023.  No more inflammation, no more swelling, no more joint pain.  I did the CN Tower Climb in April 2024 - 1776 stairs with no issues at all. I've also lost over 20 lbs, full of energy, and my mental focus is amazing."

"I struggled with low energy, brain fog, and wanted to keep my hormones in check.  IN three months, I was able to bring my A1c down to 5.5 from 5.8.  Bye diabetes!"

"I said goodbye to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stage 3 kidney disease, and sleep apnea.  I no longer take Metformin, Lisinopril, or Atorvastatin.  No longer use a CPAP machine. I have more energy, better gut health, and lost a whopping 50 lbs."

"I've lost 20 lbs and my blood pressure is down from 180/101 to 125/75 after 30 days and have kept it down for over 1 year."

"Before: 189 lbs (overweight), bloated, high blood pressure.  After: 34 lb weight loss, no bloating, normal blood pressure."

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Copyright Andrea Nicholson