Have a Healthy Liver
What do you know about your liver? Do you know for sure where it is? Can you name 3 things it does for you?
Most people can’t name anything beyond detoxification. Most of us don’t really think about our liver unless something goes wrong with it.
But don’t overlook it! Nearly 25% of the US population is currently diagnosed with fatty liver, it’s time to wake up and pay attention to your liver. Most of the cases today are NOT alcohol related, but are due to poor diet.
This vital organ gets overlooked, but we can’t live without it!
More about your liver
Your liver sits in the upper part of your abdomen, above your stomach, at the bottom of your rib cage on your right side.
It’s the largest solid organ in your body, typically weighing between 3 to 3.5 lbs. It’s triangular or wedge shaped and about the size of a football.
Your liver is SO much more than detox
It basically processes everything you consume.Yes, it does filter your blood – about 22 gallons per hour. But it’s not just filtering…it’s performing over 500 functions critical to health as it does.
Some of the liver’s vital activities include:
- Detoxification: Breaks down and removes toxins and other harmful substances to be further processed by the kidneys and excreted in the urine
- Digestion: Produces bile that breaks down fat in the small intestine so it can be properly absorbed; also aids in protein absorption
- Metabolism: Converts food into energy, stores vitamins and minerals, and regulates amino acids, produces and recycles cholesterol
- Blood Sugar Regulation: Breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and stores it as the energy source glycogen for later use as needed
- Maintains a Healthy Microbiome: Bile produced by the liver maintains a healthy level of microbes in the small intestine
Helping your liver be optimal
The liver takes a beating daily with modern life - toxins, chemicals, artificial ingredients, cosmetics, alcohol and other drugs, prescription and over the counter medications, supplements, and on and on.
These factors can impact the liver and interfere with its ability to carry out functions you depend on for your health and comfort.
Symptoms your liver could use a boost include:
- Abdominal discomfort
- Frequent indigestion
- Nausea
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Skin issues
- Cholesterol imbalances
- Greasy stools
The good news is there are relatively simple things you can do to boost your liver health.
Think about what goes in: Topping the list, not surprisingly, is considering everything you put in your mouth, both food and drink.
- Eat whole real foods.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Consider reducing or eliminating alcohol and other drugs.
- Include fermented food in your diet. Not only will it support a healthy microbiome, but it promotes the release of bile and provides vital nutrients for detoxification.
- Use herbs and spices like oregano, sage, rosemary, garlic, cinnamon, curry powder, and cumin.
Also pay attention to the products you’re using. Personal care products get absorbed and still have to be processed by the liver. Cleaning products, fragrances, and things in your environment that you inhale also matter.
Monitor your medications, even over the counter options and supplements. If you don’t have to take something, don’t! Pay attention to acetaminophen, NSAIDs, antibiotics, and prescription drugs – all of which have serious potential to damage the liver if not used correctly.
Supplements can be harmful if unnecessary, overused, or poor quality.
Supplements can also be helpful to improve liver health - the right supplements, at the right times. Clinical research shows that adding certain botanicals – like milk thistle and artichoke leaf, as well as bile acid derivatives can support healthy liver function.
Bottom line: Take care of your liver!
Fun fact: Did you know that your liver can regenerate itself? No other organ can do that. If up to 70% of your liver is removed or damaged, it can regrow to its full size and function within weeks.
This is definitely the superhero of organs…so take care of it!