2023 New Year’s Resolutions

Setting New Year's resolutions is a common practice, but unfortunately, they often fail to create lasting results. Many resolutions are generic and lack a clear plan for success and the necessary motivation. People also tend to take on too much too soon, expecting immediate results, and relying on miracle products instead of making sustainable lifestyle changes.

To achieve your goals, it is important to set realistic and specific goals that are measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Breaking down big goals into smaller steps can prevent overwhelm and ensure progress. It is also crucial to put in the hard work and make holistic changes in various aspects of life, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and mindset.

Additionally, embracing discomfort and seeking support from a coach who aligns with your goals can greatly enhance your chances of success. Coaches provide accountability, support, and guidance throughout the journey. By approaching resolutions differently and creating well-thought-out intentional goals with a comprehensive strategy, you can achieve lasting results and improve your overall health and well-being.

How do you maintain results?

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson, she addresses the often-overlooked topic of maintaining results in the diet and health conversation. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of the idea of quick results and instead focusing on identifying the root cause of health challenges. Nicholson suggests implementing simple, maintainable actions rather than attempting to change everything at once or micromanaging one specific thing. She also highlights the power of fixing the thoughts surrounding the process and reframing negative thought patterns. Nicholson explains that this work takes time and practice but is essential for achieving and sustaining long-term health and wellness.

Redefining Aging

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson discusses the concept of reinventing aging. She shares a story about a colleague whose husband was feeling down about turning 65, despite being in the best physical and mental shape of his life. Nicholson highlights the importance of challenging societal perceptions of aging and redefining what it looks like. She emphasizes that we don't have to accept declining health as we age and encourages readers to prioritize optimal health through nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mindset. Nicholson believes that it is possible to feel young and vibrant regardless of our age and offers her services to help individuals achieve this goal.

28 Years of Unnecessary Suffering

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson shares a case study of a woman who suffered for 28 years with exhaustion, mental fatigue, weight gain, and depression, only to find relief through a holistic approach. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and being prescribed synthetic T4 medication for a decade with no improvement, she discovered desiccated thyroid, a natural alternative containing T3 and T4 hormones. With the proper dosing of this new medication, she experienced increased energy, mental clarity, and effortlessly lost the excess weight. This case study underscores the importance of advocating for oneself and seeking alternative options when traditional medicine falls short in addressing chronic conditions. The author urges readers not to settle for mere symptom management and to explore a holistic approach to achieve true balance and optimal health.

Metabolic Health: Cancer

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson explains that cancer is not solely genetic or random, but actually a metabolic disease. She highlights the importance of understanding the link between cancer and insulin resistance, as high insulin levels can drive cancer cell growth. Nicholson emphasizes the role of nutrition in preventing and fighting cancer, recommending a nutrient-dense diet that eliminates simple carbohydrates and reduces overall carbohydrate intake. She also discusses the benefits of fasting and the importance of functional testing to identify imbalances that may contribute to metabolic dysfunction. In addition to nutrition and testing, Nicholson advocates for addressing stress, sleep quality, toxin exposure, and unresolved traumas as part of a comprehensive approach to preventing and treating cancer. She encourages individuals to seek out various treatment options and make informed decisions based on their individual needs and preferences. Nicholson concludes by urging readers to question conventional medical advice and seek out trusted experts and resources to further their understanding of cancer and metabolic dysfunctions.
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