How do you maintain results?

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson, she addresses the often-overlooked topic of maintaining results in the diet and health conversation. She emphasizes the importance of letting go of the idea of quick results and instead focusing on identifying the root cause of health challenges. Nicholson suggests implementing simple, maintainable actions rather than attempting to change everything at once or micromanaging one specific thing. She also highlights the power of fixing the thoughts surrounding the process and reframing negative thought patterns. Nicholson explains that this work takes time and practice but is essential for achieving and sustaining long-term health and wellness.

Redefining Aging

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson discusses the concept of reinventing aging. She shares a story about a colleague whose husband was feeling down about turning 65, despite being in the best physical and mental shape of his life. Nicholson highlights the importance of challenging societal perceptions of aging and redefining what it looks like. She emphasizes that we don't have to accept declining health as we age and encourages readers to prioritize optimal health through nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mindset. Nicholson believes that it is possible to feel young and vibrant regardless of our age and offers her services to help individuals achieve this goal.

Micromanaging Lab Results

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson discusses the pitfalls of micromanaging lab results. She shares a coaching conversation she had with a woman who had become obsessed with her bloodwork and was constantly trying to bring every single marker into the perfect range, losing sight of her original mission to reverse her symptoms. Nicholson explains that medications and supplements can alter blood values, causing them to appear off even though they are actually due to artificial supplementation. She emphasizes the importance of looking at overall patterns rather than hyper-focusing on individual markers, as individual markers can be influenced by various factors and may not provide a complete picture of optimal health. Nicholson also highlights the impact of outside influences such as strenuous workouts, dietary choices, sleep, and stress on blood markers. She concludes by urging readers to work with professionals who can help interpret their lab results and provide guidance based on their individual needs.

28 Years of Unnecessary Suffering

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson shares a case study of a woman who suffered for 28 years with exhaustion, mental fatigue, weight gain, and depression, only to find relief through a holistic approach. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and being prescribed synthetic T4 medication for a decade with no improvement, she discovered desiccated thyroid, a natural alternative containing T3 and T4 hormones. With the proper dosing of this new medication, she experienced increased energy, mental clarity, and effortlessly lost the excess weight. This case study underscores the importance of advocating for oneself and seeking alternative options when traditional medicine falls short in addressing chronic conditions. The author urges readers not to settle for mere symptom management and to explore a holistic approach to achieve true balance and optimal health.

Correlating Lab Values with Symptoms

Functional Nutritionist Andrea Nicholson discusses the importance of correlating lab values with symptoms in order to identify the root cause of health issues. Lab tests can reveal imbalances in the body that may not directly cause symptoms, so understanding how these lab values relate to symptoms is crucial. Sometimes, lab values that are out of range can perfectly correlate with a symptom, providing a clear answer. However, even if lab values appear normal from a reference range standpoint, there may still be imbalances that contribute to symptoms when analyzed from an optimal perspective. Additionally, sometimes symptoms persist even when lab values are within the optimal range, indicating the need to investigate why hormones or nutrients are not properly entering the cells.

The blog post emphasizes that lab values are not the sole indicator of health and should be considered alongside symptoms and an overall assessment of the individual. Some lab values may need to be addressed regardless of symptoms, as they might be silently trending toward disease. On the other hand, certain lab values that are within range may not require immediate attention if symptoms are absent. Taking a holistic approach that includes nourishment, exercise, sleep, stress management, and toxin reduction is crucial. Treatment plans may also involve nutritional supplements or medications based on individual needs. Ultimately, the totality of an individual's health needs to be considered to help them achieve optimal well-being.
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